martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Don't be fooled by the price

It has taken few months in the market to feel first hand (as distributors) what are the two main characteristics about olive oils and the olive oils distribution... Not in vain today (less than one year after its global launch) Kaltur can be found more and more in restaurants, stores, groceries... you name it in Spain, the UK and Russia. And we are getting in contact with wholesalers in the Central European area who are giving us feedback about the very same market. Two are then these characteristics:

EVOO is a healthy product to be consumed dairy: Indeed there are plenty of studies which demonstrate it and thousands of references in the media every day for people interested to learn why you should always have a bottle of extra virgin olive oil for you and your family. More people consume it worldwide each year.

Doubts about the real stuff inside the bottle: It is common to find products out there which claim to be EVOO which actually they are not. Many people distrust the product because it is not rare to find fake products in the market.

So, that is the reality we all find in the market whether we want to sell (unfair competence which make real EVOO almost to be impossible to sell because its higher cost) or to buy (cheating products that offer no warranties to be consumed).

Today I found this link in LinkedIn The Unadulterated Truth About Olive Oil which makes reference to this book: "Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil" that deepens into the topic.

I would like to say that we have found ourselves very often in discussions with our prospects (retailers and wholesalers) about price but not about quality. These ones know better than we do their own clients and they say that what people want is price and not quality. I think that the solution to end with fake products is in ourselves as EVOO buyers. Pure EVOO has a production cost and if we ever think that we can buy the same product for less money is just because we are buying a totally different product. When I buy soft drinks, chocolate, beer... I pay attention to the brand in order to get what I want. The same goes with olive oils. You, as buyer, can find great EVOO in Europe and America so is up to you to trust a brand and pay for it. When it comes to the food we all should be willing to pay enough to be calm that we buy what we want.

When we behave like that the retailers and wholesalers will start to pay more attention not only to the price but to the product quality also.

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